Hi, I’m Peter Willis and I’m one of the course designers, course instructors and a co-founder of Unchain Your Brain and its sister company, Lequin Leadership Development, an international training, coaching, profiling and business psychology company.
After a career in publishing and marketing, I started working as a coach in 2005. I’ve coached leaders within multinationals such as Clarks, National Australia Bank, Npower, Innogy, Lloyds of London, BHP Billiton, BNP Paribas CIB, Thames Water, Dennis Publishing, and HSBC, as well as a number of charities, including WWT, and schools. So I’ve experienced a wide range of organisational cultures, and helped people with a range of coaching goals.
I’ve a psychology and sociology background, and my main interests and expertise are in relationship management, improving self-esteem, and helping people develop authenticity. I’m passionate about empowering others by helping them step back from seeking to live up to others’ expectations and to find for themselves their own intrinsic worth, values and strengths. In my work, I draw on person-centred therapy, positive psychology, gestalt coaching, existential coaching, CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Jungian therapy.
My philosophy is that to have a healthy level of self-esteem and emotional health, we need to find and be our real self – it’s from here that we can start to bring direction, clarity of thought, effective leadership and passion into our work and lives.