Archives: Lessons

11. How to build trust

If your stakeholders own the fuel that you put into your car, and which you need to drive your career, they’re not going to want to waste fuel in a car that’s untrustworthy. If there’s a choice, stakeholders will want to be seen to be refuelling a brand and car they trust, like a BMW. But trust takes time, and in this online video, we investigate the six elements that build trust in a relationship. All this is key to how to handle office politics.

11. How to build trust

Length: 11 minutesTutor: Peter Willis

12: How to get noticed & build your reputation

To get noticed and up your reputation, you need to think how your job role can affect your business in the most profitable, productive or perhaps innovative way. Then you need to deliver a success story and get people to hear about the story — so key stakeholders sit up, take note, and pin your photo up on their star players’ board. In this online video, you’ll see how it’s done.

13. Networking

Perhaps most obvious of all when thinking about leverage is build solid relationships with decision makers and influencers. This online workshop gives you tips and techniques for networking, critical in office politics.

13. Networking

Length: 7 minutesTutor: Peter Willis

14. Defence against the dark arts

There are going to be times when you stand in the direct path of a colleague who will play dirty moves or sneaky games. So, to save you from being trampled on, you need to be awake to these games - you need to manage them effectively, which at times, will require countermoves. This online video identifies the most common underhand tactics people might use when playing office politics, and how to deal with each on turn.

17. Final word on this course & recommended reading

This final online class provides a summary of the key learnings, and provides you with a list of useful further reading on the subject of engaging and influencing stakeholders, and office politics.

15. Dealing with bullies & the Dark Triad

In this online training class, we look into how to deal with bullies. We also show you how to spot those of the Dark Triad – those individuals who stand outside of the normal bell curve of normal behaviour, and make your standard insecure, cowardly bully look kind: psychopaths, narcissists and Machiavels. We’ll show you how to deal with each of these three characters in turn, and do it without turning office politics into some stressful, unpleasant Game of Thrones!

16: Conflict & emotional self control

When dealing with others there will be times when you get angry. And there will be times when you feel the urge to give that person a piece of your mind — to teach them a lesson. But when you get caught up emotionally, then you’re not thinking clearly, and that’s when we end up doing things we regret, and making enemies is never a wise move. This online video shows you how to keep a cool head, and how you can create win wins - how not to let office politics become a game of one-upmanship.

1. Why office politics – engaging & influencing stakeholders – is so important

Many people fool themselves that hard work and hitting targets will lead to career progression. This module shows you why you must promote yourself and engage stakeholders if you want career progression – especially as you progress through the managerial stages.