Archives: Lessons

7. Your strengths – why concentrate on strengths & how to identify them

Your strengths - when combined with your values - provide you with an excellent insight of what you bring to the world that’s positive and unique. This video shows you the benefits to spending more time playing to your strengths, rather than continually improving 'areas of development'. It shows you how to identify strengths and how to use them more to improve self esteem and confidence.

6. The Lequin Polygon Profile: a values’ clarification exercise

This video uses a 5-step values' clarification tool to help you identify your intrinsic values, which are key to you gaining more self esteem and confidence. It also shows how to avoid mistaking needs for values, a common error when identifying our values.

5. What are values & why are they important?

Many of my clients struggle with self-motivation, inflexible behaviour and low self esteem because they don’t have a clear picture of their core values. They live to please the “I should" self, so lose sight of their values. This video explains how values are different to needs, and how living through intrinsic values provides you with a stronger sense of self and meaning, greater energy, focus, and self esteem.

4. Your timeline exercise

Key incidents and messages from our childhood become absorbed into a sense of who we are, impacting our self esteem and confidence. This exercise helps you reassess the negative beliefs that you've held on to from your past, and build new, more realistic beliefs to improve your self esteem.

3. Why does low self esteem develop?

This video looks at how a gap between the expectation of who we are - and who we think we should be - contributes to low self-esteem. It explores Carl Rogers' 'conditions of worth' and conditional positive regard.

2. Low & Healthy Self-Esteem

Low self esteem manifests itself in one of four ways: attacking yourself; withdrawing; avoidance through over-working, over-giving, over-striving; and attacking others through blaming others, lashing out and steaming rolling others.

1. Introduction

Many people don’t differentiate between self confidence for self esteem, so they don’t invest time in building healthy self esteem. This course is about building self esteem, which comes from an internal state and mindset. Only once this is in place will you start to gain self confidence is areas like public speaking. It’s a combination of developing the right mindset, then practicing skills and putting these into action – getting the right mindset, skill set, and action set.

1. Introduction

Length: 3 minutesTutor: Peter Willis

9. How to talk to people who are stressed

This last video shows you a 7-step process for talking to people suffering from stress, taking a blended coaching and person-centred therapeutic approach.

8. Managing your team’s stress

The online training video shows people who need to manage others how to recognise when team members are stressed. This includes knowing what 'toxic language' to look out for, and the typical stress triggers. You'll plot each of your team members' personality type, signs of stress, language, stress triggers, resilience, locus of control, and individual protocols to make an assessment of the different levels of stress, and what might tip individuals into the danger zone.