
How to spot & deal with passive aggressives

“Behind the smile, a hidden knife!”, Chinese proverb. Ever had a colleague or direct report who continually turns up late, who hands in reports late, who drags their feet, or who you suspe...

Why do so many middle managers get stuck & fail to progress in their careers? They ignore office politics

A 2008 survey that revealed 90% of British managers believe political skill is required to improve career prospects. But another survey that investigated what most stresses people out at work put offi...

James Dyson, 7 tips to escape the email vortex & how to improve your time management  

Emails come a close second to our phone as a major time and energy drain. We’ve come to see email as essential to business life. But British inventor James Dyson believes emails are a waste of time an...

Why self care is intrinsically linked to your self esteem & self confidence

Many of us worry about being selfish. We’ve been brought up with the notion that taking care of others is more important then taking care of ourselves. After all, we get external validation when we’re...

Which political animal are you? The four political animals that roam our offices

There are four political animals in the workplace – three of which are either Machiavellian, suicidal or plain right short-sighted. The fourth is the political animal that gets ahead, and gets a...

How to deal with the Dark Triad (psychopaths, narcissists, machiavels) while avoiding unethical office politics

Most of us have come across bullies in the workplace – weak cowards that pick on those they perceive as weaker themselves. And the moment their victims fight back and show some backbone, the bul...

Why clarifying your values boosts self esteem & confidence, & the Hawaiian concept of Pono

What are you 5 or 6 core, intrinsic values? When I’ve asked my coachees this, I’ve yet to have one who’s crystal clear on what their values are. Yet many people struggle with self-mo...

How to break out of a negative cycle of stress: video clip from our Stress Management video workshop

The cycle of stress  When stress spills over into exhaustion and people suffer anxiety, panic and anger – all symptoms of stress overload – this can adversely affect physical and emotional...

The four types of nightmare boss

There isn’t just one type of nightmare boss out there: there are ones who are aggressive; some who are slippery; others who use subtler forms of bullying; or are two-faced so you never know where you ...

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